"A different view from the same mountains!"
Sangre de Cristo Sentinel
Mountain Publishing Company, Inc.
610 Main St.
Westcliffe, CO 81252
The Mountain Publishing Co., Inc. proudly announces the printing of a new weekly newspaper, beginning July 4th, 2013. A newspaper to serve the good people of this county, surrounding counties and our neighboring communities located along the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. A newspaper with a conservative voice. A newspaper with "A DIFFERENT VIEW FROM THE SAME MOUNTAINS" than what is available now. A newspaper for all liberty and freedom loving citizens and patriots.
We believe this is a much needed "CHOICE" in these beautiful, mostly rural, areas of Colorado. The Sentinel (also knows as a Sentry) is a Guardian. He watches over, protects, informs and warns us and others of danger. There are many current dangers to our liberties, freedoms and rights. So, first, we need to be informed, then we need to stand up for and be prepared to protect these liberties, freedoms and rights. Lastly, we need to remain vigilant. This newspaper will be our Sentinel and help us all do that.
The Sentinel will be a weekly newspaper, with the first issue coming out on July 4th, and then every Friday thereafter. It will cover the local scene and also provide awareness and warnings about state and federal issues that concern us all. The views in the "SANGRE DE CRISTO SENTINEL" will be based on truth, facts, logic and real common sense. We hope you will see it as a reliable and credible source to help keep you informed and aware of the important happenings at all levels from our small community to our entire country - The United States of America. We invite you to check us out and then we hope you will support us to make sure this "CHOICE" remains available to all the citizens and patriots in this region.
Please be patient as we bring this site to the level of information and service we will soon provide to you. We will be offering digital subscriptions, as well as an interactive home page, but first, we will be focusing on the print edition of the Sentinel. Allow us to introduce ourselves to you! Take a look at the About Us section, and then our Charter Subscriptions and consider if you would like to climb on board to support this new voice in our community. Give us a call, or send us an email, if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you, and we hope you are as excited as we are about the new choice - the new voice - along the Sangre de Cristo Mountains!
Photo courtesy of Barbara Napolitan
610 Main Street
Westcliffe, CO 81252
Copyright © The Mountain Publishing Co., Inc.
All Rights Reserved.